Basic Survival Items for Traveling

Basic Survival Items for Traveling

Traveling is about experiences, not just about seeing the sights. It's easy to get discouraged by how much you have to carry on your adventure, but there are ways to take some of those burdens off your back. Here is the basic kit that you should use when traveling:...

5 Essential Items to Help You Survive a Natural Disaster

5 Essential Items to Help You Survive a Natural Disaster

The first thing to do after a natural disaster is to stay safe. That means you need to be prepared for the worst by ensuring you have everything you need in an emergency. The following are five essential items that will help ensure your survival during any type of...

Use Lifestraw for Freshwater Everywhere in the World

Use Lifestraw for Freshwater Everywhere in the World

Clean drinking water is a basic human need yet it can be hard to come by in some parts of the world. In fact, over 663 million people still lack access to clean drinking water. That's why solutions like LifeStraw are so important! LifeStraw is a revolutionary water...

Why Do We Need Survival Swiss Army Knife for Survival?

Why Do We Need Survival Swiss Army Knife for Survival?

A Swiss army knife is a versatile tool that can be used for a variety of tasks in a survival situation. The most common use for a Swiss army knife is as a multi-purpose tool, which can be used for everything from opening cans to cutting rope. Swiss army knives...

6 Tips For Selecting the Best Survival Knife

6 Tips For Selecting the Best Survival Knife

When preparing for an emergency, the last thing you want is to spend hours trying to cut through a piece of wood with your dull knife. Fortunately, several factors can affect how well your survival knife performs. The right blade thickness and length will make all the...

3 ways to use tactical flashlights

3 ways to use tactical flashlights

Tactical flashlights are a versatile tool that can be used for a variety of purposes. Here are some of the most common ways to use tactical flashlights: -To light up a dark area: Tactical flashlights are extremely bright and can be used to light up a dark area, making...

Survival Situations Where You Can Use Duck Tapes

Survival Situations Where You Can Use Duck Tapes

Duck tape is most commonly known for its use in repairing tents and tarps, but it can also be used for a variety of other purposes in a survival situation. Here are some examples: How to use duck tape in a survival situation When it comes to survival, being prepared...

Proper Ways to Use Compression Bandage for Emergencies

Proper Ways to Use Compression Bandage for Emergencies

A compression bandage is a type of bandage that is used to compress an injured body part in order to reduce swelling. It is typically made from a stretchy material such as elastic or cloth and is wrapped around the affected area in a figure-eight pattern. Compression...

Top Items You Will Need to Survive a Night in the Woods

Top Items You Will Need to Survive a Night in the Woods

If you ever get stuck in the woods, it's crucial to have the right tools. Here are some of the most important things you should carry with you if something like this happens while in the woods: A warm blanket or a sleeping bag A warm blanket or sleeping bag is...

Top Selling Survival Gear 2022

Top Selling Survival Gear 2022

There has been a massive shift in how people gear up for outdoor adventures in the past few years. Many of us are turning away from heavy backpacks and opting for lightweight packs filled with essentials like food and water. As this trend continues to grow, you must...