Basic Survival Items for Traveling
September 12, 2023

Traveling is about experiences, not just about seeing the sights. It’s easy to get discouraged by how much you have to carry on your adventure, but there are ways to take some of those burdens off your back. Here is the basic kit that you should use when traveling:

Portable Water Filter

As humans, one of the things we cannot live without is water. A way to avoid being lost or stranded on your adventure without water is to bring a portable water filter with you. There are many portable water filters that function as a straw. These are made to be compact and lightweight, so you don’t have to worry about it weighing you down. Remember, we can survive for weeks without food but only 3 days without water.

Pain Relievers

Pain relievers are a good idea for a travel survival kit. They’re available in many different forms, including tablets and liquid, but the most common form is pills.

Pain relievers can treat headaches, cramps, and sore muscles. The best way to use pain relievers is as needed; don’t keep them around your home because they might not work well when you need them most. Also, consult your doctor before taking any medication if you have medical conditions such as high blood pressure or diabetes.

Whistle or Air Horn

Whistles and air horns are great when traveling in the outdoors because they can help to signal people around you that you are in danger or need assistance. A whistle has the advantage of being small and easy to carry. However, an air horn has the benefit of also working as a bear repellent in the woods. It is said that a whistle is not sufficient in scaring away wild animals as it sounds similar to an animal in pain, and may lure the bear in more.

Hand Sanitizer

Hand sanitizer is a must-have for any traveler. It’s vital if you are going to be in a public place for long periods, like during an event or in front of an airport terminal gate. Hand sanitizer can be used quickly to clean your hands and treat minor cuts or scrapes on your skin so they don’t get infected by bacteria.

Hand sanitizer is available in various forms: liquid hand soap, gel hand wipes, and alcohol-based sprays. Most people prefer the gel brands because they don’t leave any residue when applied directly onto the affected area; however, if you’re looking for something with less foam/lather, it is recommended to use either liquid hand soaps instead.


As you can see, there are many different items to consider when it comes to a basic survival kit for travel. The important thing is that these items provide a lot of value for their size and cost. We hope this article has provided some helpful information about what we carry in our kits and some ideas on how to create your own.